Glass Flute



When I was in my thirties I fell in love with an elegant young man who forever changed me. I was a single (divorced) mom of two and was enjoying life in the moment. Loving my children, but partying too hard during my weekends without them. It was during an evening of partying with my work crowd that I met him. The first man that I ever truly fell in love with. He was sexy, smart, respectful, funny and a wise soul. He got under my skin and into my head and heart. We talked and he listened, he challenged me to think in ways I hadn't before. He was a key influence in my personal growth and challenged me to be a better person. I continue to grow and reuse some of his words of wisdom.

One Christmas eve my children had left for their fathers house and I waited for him to arrive after taking his final exams. When he arrived he gave me two crystal flutes.

Our lives took different turns, and I can still recall what it feels like to have a heart break. My heart broke. It hurt, and I felt a huge whole in my chest. Life moved on as it does. He is successful and continues to be a leader in his community, and is in a long term relationship. I've married twice since then, and am still happily married, my kids are grown, and my grandson is the apple of my eye. I've continued to grow. It has been 25 years now and this flute reminds me of him, and makes me smile.


April 18, 2019


Glass Flute


“Glass Flute,” The Grief Archive, accessed May 4, 2024,